Friday, October 8, 2010


QUESTIONS sometimes imply curiosity as well as a thirst for knowledge and information and the answers, while important at times, sometimes give more than is needed and the data derived too overwhelming for ordinary minds of contemporary the QUESTIONS, which often contain the exact answers needed, are phrased to 'draw out' or elucidate the asker, who often knows far more than he or she realizes or has,hither-here-to-fore, made little or no effort to consider or find out and have relegated their intellectual and mental responsiblities to outside experts or panels of such......

1 comment:

  1. In the old days, journalists and would-be writers and newspapermen, were often guided by this formula: WHO,WHAT, WHEN, WHERE, WHY --the FIVE W'S METHOD that is still valid and which modern writers and reporters often ignore and end up writing 'masterpieces' of rant, rave, drivel, opinion, bias & prejudice,etc. based less on actual facts but more on what they like to see in print....
